SMSC – Spiritual, moral, social and cultural education.
The school works hard to develop the children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural education as we see it as an essential part of our children becoming good citizens with a positive set of values to inform their decision making as they grow older.
Moral Development
At Five Elms, children’s moral development centres on ensuring children recognise right and wrong; respect the law; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues; offer reasoned views and are confident in holding their own point of view.
Regular activities such as Class council meetings, class discussions, PSHE lessons and Votes for Schools sessions allow and encourage our children to discuss British values and understand how these are relevant to them. Our strong behaviour code helps children understand right and wrong.
The children are supported in their moral development by their:
· Ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong.
· Readily apply this understanding in their own lives.
· Respect the civil and criminal law of England.
· Understand the consequences of their behaviour and actions.
· Investigate and offer reasoned views about moral and ethical issues.
· Understand and appreciate the viewpoints of others on these issues.
If you spend time at the school you will see that our pupils have developed a good and appropriate set of moral values; that they understand right from wrong and are respectful of the rights of others.
Social Development
At Five Elms children’s social development centres on them using a range of social skills; working well together; good teamwork; participating in the local community; appreciating other peoples diverse and differing points of view; participating and getting involved, volunteering; resolving arguments. Conflicts and disputes; engaging with the ‘British values’ of democracy, the rule of law, liberty, respect and tolerance.
Our children have a wide range of opportunities to work collaboratively within class, across year groups and phases. We promote a ‘Buddy Systems’ for mid phase admissions so that children new to the school start with a group of friends to look after them. Some of our older children, (Five Elms Playground Squad) are trained to work as lunchtime play leaders and actively support other children.
We encourage pupils to show care and consideration for others through charitable work. The Votes for Schools sessions ensure that all children can influence decision making through the democratic processes and our school council representatives further reinforce the importance of team work and collaboration.
There is a strong emphasis throughout the Personal Health and Relationship areas of study on individual rights and responsibilities including respect and valuing difference in the way people choose to live in modern British Society.
Our children are encouraged to develop socially by:
· Using a range of social skills in different contexts, including working and socialising with pupils from different religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds.
· Being encouraged to participate in a variety of communities and social settings, including volunteering.
· Co-operating well with others and being able to resolve conflicts effectively.
· Understanding the importance of identifying and combatting discrimination.
· Accepting and engaging with the fundamental British values of: – Democracy – The rule of law – Individual liberty – Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths, beliefs and life choices. This will develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that
will allow pupils to participate fully in, and contribute positively to, life in modern Britain.
If you spend time in our school and go out with the children to play where they have their own free time you will see that our children have developed very good social skills, sticking to our school rules and values, respecting others and mixing very well with each other regardless of home background, faith or culture.
Cultural Development
At Five Elms, children’s cultural development centres around ensuring our children understand and appreciate different cultures and cultural influences; appreciate the role of Britain’s parliamentary system; participate in culture opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.
At Five Elms Primary, we value the diverse background of all pupils and families and undertake a variety of events and lessons to celebrate these. This enriches the lives of all our children and staff and teaches knowledge and respect for the differences in our community and the wider world.
Through the RE curriculum and Personal Social and Citizenship Education themes there are a good range of learning opportunities to develop our children’s cultural understanding by enabling children to:
• Understand and appreciate the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their own heritage and that of others.
• Understand and appreciate the range of different cultures within school and beyond our local community as an essential element of their preparation for life in our global society.
• To gain knowledge of Britain’s democratic parliamentary system and its central role in shaping our history and values, and in continuing to develop Britain.
• Participate in, and respond positively to, artistic, sporting and cultural opportunities both in and out of the school day.
• Gain an interest in exploring and understanding of different faiths and cultures locally and around the world.
• Understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity, shown by their tolerance and attitudes towards different religions, ethnic groups and cultures in the local and global communities.
If you visit Five Elms you will see that our pupils have a real curiosity about the lives, backgrounds and beliefs of others and show a real respect for differences.
Spiritual Development
At Five Elms, children’s spiritual development centres on ensuring children explore beliefs, religious or otherwise, reflect on their own experiences; respect faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about themselves, others and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity; reflecting; appreciating the world around them religious or otherwise, with a sense of awe and wonder
Our children are encouraged to reflect on the religious and moral values that underpin our democratic and multi-cultural British society. Through RE lessons, assemblies and celebratory events, our children learn about the similarities and differences of other religions and are encouraged to reflect on their own beliefs whilst tolerating the different viewpoints of others including those who do not have a religious faith.
We aim to develop our children spiritually by supporting them to;
• Gain the ability to be reflective about their own beliefs, religious or otherwise, that informs their perspective on their life,
• Show an interest in and respect for different people’s faiths, feelings and values.
• Have a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning differences about themselves, others and the world around them.
• Use imagination and creativity in their learning.
• Be willing to reflect on their own experiences.